More than 40 outdoor exhibitions of the « 1000 Families » around the world since 2000

A short video of the first exhibition of the “1000 families” at Photokina in October 2000.

1000 families for the millennium, in September 2000 Uwe Ommer exhibted for the first time to the public his work at the Photokina in Cologne. Since then, the exhibition has toured the world and has received praise for the scope and beauty of the photographs, and their simple message of commonality.
In 2002, Uwe Ommer was awarded an Honorary Fellowship to the Royal Photographic Society for the impact of his lifetime of work.
As a personal challenge, he set out four years to document all types of families on every continent at the turn of the millennium. With a Landrover, Rolleiflex camera, portable studio, one assistant, many maps, many guidebooks (but without a phone, a gps system, any spare parts or a watch) Ommer visited 130 countries in the following four years, interviewing and photographing over 1000 families. Returning to Paris in 2000, Ommer had a collection of 1 251 photographs illustrating the “family,” in its current and diverse state. He had realized his dream with a collection of photographs proving, despite differences in culture, geography, language or religion, the family remains one of the most remarkable and universal institutions for humans worldwide.
Germany : Cologne, Photokina (1000 photographs)
Italy : Orvieto (150 photographs)
USA : West Palm Beach, Norton Museum of Art (154 photographs)
France : Paris, Assemblée Nationale (210 photographs)
France : Arc-et-Senans, Saline Royale (210 photographs)
Germany : Dortmund, (500 photographs)
USA : Nashville, Frist Center for Visual Arts (110 photographs)
France : Port-sur-Saône (400 photographs)
China : Duyun, Tianjin (40 photographs)
Spain : Madrid, Fnac (60 photographs)
France : St-Brieuc, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (60 photographs)
France : Le Blanc-Mesnil (60 photographs)
Belgium : Bruxelles, Jardin Botanique (110 photographs)
Austria : Gmunden (210 photographs)
Austria : Linz (210 photographs)
Spain : Barcelone, Fnac (60 photographs)
Spain : Marbella, Fnac (60 photographs)
USA : Chicago, Millenium Park (180 photographs)
USA : Louisville, Speed Art Museum – Kentucky
Switzerland : Genève, 60ième anniversaire des Nations Unis (200 photographs)
USA : Catskill, Brick Gallery – N.Y. (100 photographs)
France : Mont-Louis sur Loire, Parc du Château de la Bourdaisière (100 photographs)
Germany : Halle (100 photographs)
Germany : Leipzig (100 photographs)
Germany : Berlin, Fez Museum (100 photographs)
Malta : Valetta (120 photographs)
Ireland : Dublin (120 photographs)
Kenya : Nairobi (40 photographs)
France : Mont-Louis sur Loire, Parc du Château de la Bourdaisière (100 photographs)
Austria : Vöcklabruck (210 photographs)
Ireland : Cork (120 photographs)
France : Roissy-en-France (130 photographs)
France : Bischheim, Cour des Boecklin (50 photographs)
Ireland : Belfast (120 photographs)
France : Riedisheim (50 photographs)
France : Vannes, Festival de la Mer (35 photographs)
Portugal : Lisbonne – Musée de la Marine (100 photographs)
Germany : Reutlingen (200 photographs)
France : Villeneuve (35 photographs)
Chili : Santiago du Chili - Fundacion Cultural de Provencia